Arcane Hazards Read online

Page 3

  "Nothing here." is no longer written on top. Instead, one of the black squares contains an image of small red vials. The number three sits at the bottom right of the square. Felix taps the square.


  A small corked vial poofs into existence in front of Felix. He catches it and closes the inventory. The red liquid inside is thick and translucent. Felix sloshes it around for a second, before pulling out the stopper and downing the bottle. He feels his body heating up. His bruises vanish, his aching goes, and Felix feels no trace of the pain he felt since his fall. He is completely healed.

  Buddy stands up, and stretches.

  "My joints feel lubricated!" cheers Buddy, jogging in place.

  "Let's move on," urges Felix. "How're you going to build your character? We might have to fight and it's better to coordinate."

  "Dual-wield assassin style! Whoosh! Whoosh!" Buddy twirls around, making sharp sweeping motions with his arms. He looks at Felix and stops, “I’ll add you to my friend list. Let’s play whenever we get the chance.”


  Friend Request


  [Accept] [Deny] [Block]

  Deny… No…


  “Right, focus. Dual-wield how? Emily only gave us the one dagger each,” states Felix. He thrusts his arm into his backpack and pulls out a sheathed dagger.


  Dagger | Common

  Durability : 30

  Base Damage : 5 Physical

  “Lend me yours. I’ll give it back after the tutorial.”

  “What am I supposed to do then?”

  “You can be a mage? Or… some kind of support class. Buuut I heard you can be a monster tamer. That would be so cool~” Buddy points grandly at nothing in particular. “Oh great winged beast! Thou art mine now! Be tamed!”

  “Ugh. Look. Fine. I’ll figure something out. Take it. I can get another one in the city.”

  “Yes! You. Are. Freaking. Awesome! I’ll evade tank and you throw epic fireballs! Burn. Slash. Slash. Burn!”

  “Get on with it,” Felix commands. He looks at a menu and taps the “Level Up” icon.

  Level Up 0 -> 1

  Please assign your Stat Points.

  Stat Points : 5

  Strength : 1 [+]

  Celerity : 1 [+]

  Resilience : 1 [+]

  Endurance : 2 [+]

  Auric Potency : 2[+]

  Auric Depth : 2 [+]


  Felix assumes the bottom two on the list to relate to magic. After all, every other stat sounds like it has to do with the physical. He had dumped his points there during the character creation phase because of this assumption. He planned then and still plans now to be a powerful magic user. A wielder of arcane mysteries. A man who bends the laws of realities to his whim, and at his whim, because it is subject to him, as a knight is to a king. Felix imagines himself standing behind the front lines of a fierce battle, barking orders, and raining fire on charging enemies with a disinterested gesture. He pictures himself alone and surrounded, then with a flick of his wrist, still alone but no longer surrounded.

  Was Buddy right? Should I have read the help text?

  [Help] Auric Potency


  [Help] Auric Depth


  A couple panels pop up. They’re filled with text and illustrations. In one, a man with a fiery glow about him, glares through the screen. Felix reads. “Auric Potency” is the measure of the quality of one’s magical energies. The stat also determines the rate of mana recovery. The Strength stat of magic, Felix reckons. “Auric Depth”, on the other hand, determines the size of the mana pool.

  Felix assigns all his available stat points and moves on.



  Level Up 0 -> 1

  Please assign your Potentiality Points

  Potentiality Points : 2

  * * *

  —Available Skill Systems—

  Martial Systems [+]

  * * *

  —Available Magic Systems—

  Elemental Systems [-]

  Fire Magic [Level 0] [+]

  * * *

  —Available Abilities—


  —Available Attributes—


  [Back] [Complete]

  Potentiality points?

  [Help] Potentiality Points


  So they’re used to buy skills, magic, and attributes? But, what’re those?

  [Help] Skills, Magic, Abilities, Attributes

  *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

  Blah, blah blah… skills use up stamina, magic uses mana, abilities cost nothing and attributes are passives?

  Felix closes all but the level up panel. Ignoring skills, he taps the magic section. There, all alone, is an entry for elemental systems. He expands the entry and “Fire Magic” appears beneath.

  I need to pick something but there isn’t much of a selection here. No abilities, no attributes, and for magic, there’s only fire?

  *tap* *tap*


  The level up screen vanishes. Felix, now officially level one, goes through the menu again but stops with his finger hovering over an icon. I wonder if I can. He pulls back and furrows his brow.

  [Level Up]


  Level Up 1 -> 2

  Please assign your Stat Points.

  Stat Points : 5

  Strength : 1 [+]

  Celerity : 1 [+]

  Resilience : 1 [+]

  Endurance : 2 [+]

  Auric Potency : 5 [+]

  Auric Depth : 4 [+]


  After going through the same motions as before, Felix with a single thought, completes the objectives of his mission.


  Objective Complete: Assign Level Points

  Use your stat, skill, and ability points.

  * * *


  5 Gold

  [Accept] [Deny]



  —New Objective: Hunt and Kill Corynd Hares—

  Corynd Hares, depicted above, are white, and fluffy monsters found natively in the Emerald region. They can be highly territorial and aggressive. Players are highly encouraged to complete this quest in a group.

  * * *

  Progress : 0/3



  30 Gold

  Time Limit : None

  Felix stares, open mouthed, at the image presented to him. In the periphery of his vision, Buddy scowls.

  “Lucky us, eh? No worries, I’ll… tank. Uh, you did learn some spells, right?” asks Buddy.

  “Only thing available was fire magic. But yes.”

  “Just don’t set me on fire! Ha ha…”

  “Hold on, let me check my stats again.”

  [Character Sheet]



  Level 2

  Exp. 25/100

  * * *

  Health 20/20

  Stamina 20/20

  Mana 70/70

  * * *

  Strength : 1

  Celerity : 1

  Resilience : 1

  Endurance : 2

  Auric Potency : 7

  Auric Depth : 7

  * * *

  —Skill Systems—


  —Magic Systems—

  Elemental Systems

  Fire Magic (Level 2)

  Ignite (Level 1)

  Fireball (Level 1)


  Identify (Level 1)

  Party Management (Level 1)

  Inventory (Level 1)





  —Status Effects—


  “Alright, let’s go look for the bastard.” Felix, with a wave of his
hand, poofs into existence two small bottles of red liquid. He stuffs them into a drawstring pouch which he then ties to his belt.

  With a dagger in each hand, Buddy leads the march deeper into the forest. Felix struggles to keep up with his teammate. Buddy moves fast and fluidly. Dodging branches, sidestepping trees, and almost flying over rough terrain.

  “Slow down, where are we going?”

  “Back to the little clearing before. That thing would’ve returned there right?”

  “What makes you think so?”

  “Well, that’s where it lives. It came out of a burrow.”

  Some time pass before trees gives way to glade. Sunlight embraces the adventurers, whole, and undivided. The two crouch behind a shrub. They peer through a mess of leaves and twigs. There are no monsters in sight. Buddy points out a hole nestled between two large aerial roots of a bulbous gray speckled tree. A dozen feet away and hidden behind tall greens, the den’s entrance awaits.

  Felix turns to Buddy. “So, what’s the plan?”

  “I’ll distract it and you bring the heat!”

  “Wait. Did you forget how strong it was? Let’s do this properly.”

  “We’ve leveled up, Max, chill. We’re strong too now. And, I’ve got these.” Buddy waggles his daggers, grinning, then shrugs. “It’s just a tutorial.”

  “And who was whining about his pain limiter earlier? Listen! I’ll throw some magic down the hole, run to the middle, and when… If it comes out, you flank it from that bush over there.” Felix gestures towards an area closer to the monsters lair. “If it goes well then we can relax.”

  “First, it really really hurt. Second… fine. I got too excited for some payback. Sorry. You’re right. I’ll get into position.”

  Felix drops his backpack. He allows a few moments to pass before making a move. Ready, he pushes his way out from between the undergrowth and into the meadow. Creeping through the grass, Felix makes his way closer and closer to the burrow. A few feet away from the gaping hole, he stares. A tunnel big enough for him to crawl through leads deeper into the den. Felix could hear soft breathing coming inside.


  *whoosh* *crackle*

  A burning orb flares into existence with a deep whoosh. Orange light flickers off the grass before calming down. It floats, bobbing up and down, above Felix’s outstretched palm. The sphere’s skyward flame hugs a translucent magical core at its base, the size of a tennis ball.

  Felix raises his arm above his head and throws his hand towards the pit. The fireball, wrenched off its perch by momentum’s pull, flies down the tunnel with the roar of angry flame.



  A rumbling resounds underneath Felix’s feet. Hot air rushes out. Falling leaves twirl and dance like sparks from a bonfire.


  A loud cry bounces off the tunnel walls and out into the clearing. Felix dashes away. Frenzied clawing scratch at the earth behind him. Another roar echoes. This time, it comes clear and crisp. In the center of the field, Felix turns around to face the beast. Sweat beads on his forehead as he stares down black beady eyes. Eyes set on a monster nearly as large as he is. It’s formerly white fur, matte with soot and dirt, bristle.


  Corynd Hares | Common | Level 3 | ?? | ?? | ??

  A furry monster common to most woods in the Emerald region. Corynd Hares dig spacious dens close to clearings where they can be found grazing. To make up for being at the bottom of most food chains, Corynd Hares are highly aggressive and possess a number of notable physical traits. Strong legs propel them into powerful leaps. Dense fur and hide allow them to shrug off punishment. When angered, the hares will use their bursts of speed and toughness offensively. Leaping into powerful body slams against challengers and would-be predators.


  Well that was a lot of good. How do I — it’s coming!


  A crimson streak trails a fiery missile hurtling through the air. A blast of flame, forces Felix to turn away, shielding his face from the heat. The beast wails, but the pounding of feet continues unabated, growing louder and louder. The acrid odor of burnt hair and the sharp whiff of iron strikes. He hears the ragged breathing of a large animal, then the growl of one very close. The hare leaps.

  Out of the corner of his eye, a blur bolts out of the bushes. A shadow tackles the beast mid-air. Monster and savior hit the ground with a loud thud, tumbling on the grass. Five feet away now and straddling the Corynd Hare, Buddy stabs and stabs and stabs. Left, right, left, right.

  “Die! Die! Die!” he chants, his hands wet, his face speckled red.

  The creature squeals, its body quivers then the beast moves no more. Buddy pulls his daggers out from the dead hare and let his arms fall to his sides. He leans back, eyes closed. His chest heaves as he draws breath. Blood pools at his knees.


  A window appears; small and discreet.

  Monster Killed : Level 3 Corynd Hare

  Total EXP Drop : 13

  Party EXP Share : Even

  Exp Gained : 7

  “Max, I—”

  “Did you get a notification on the kill?”

  “Yes… you can turn it off… if you want. Max, I—”

  “Oh cool, thanks. Here it is.” Felix taps on settings only he can see and smiles.

  “Max… let’s start a guild… the two of us. We’ll call it… MAXBuddies.” Buddy squeezes out.

  “Come on, get up.”

  Felix walks over to his friend, grabs an arm, and ducks under. Buddy wobbles to his feet. They hobble over to a part of the meadow covered with shade. In slow motion, both collapse on the soft green. The adventurers lie on their backs in silence.

  The shade moves and its shape changes, one turns to the other.

  “Hey, do you want this?”

  Buddy holds up an object. A sticky-looking, translucent green ball, the size of a softball. Little viscous droplets sit on its surface. Felix reaches out and takes it from Buddy. The ball is soft, and light. It jiggles in his hand.


  Boamaline Sap | Common

  The sap from a Boamaline tree. If consumed, Boamaline sap restores a small amount of stamina and boosts recovery. It is an ingredient in making medicine.

  “Where’d you get this?”

  “It dropped after the kill. Just blinked into existence above the body.”

  “Well, you can have it,” Felix hands the sap back and grins. “That went rather well, wouldn’t you say?”

  “Speak for yourself! I nearly died there. So, are we dismantling the rabbit?”

  “It’s a hare. And who nearly died? Anyway, you’ve got the daggers, you do it.”

  “I am not sure how. Can we even? Which parts should I take…?”

  “Oh, leave it then. It’s not like we’ve got all the time in the world. Let’s go kill the other two and go home.”

  “Don’t forget our bags,” reminds Buddy.

  The two sit up from their bed and stretch. Buddy sheathes his daggers and looks for his bag behind the bush he sprinted out from. Felix goes back to the bush they hid behind. He finds his backpack and joins his teammate in the glade.

  “You were like lightning in the fight.”

  “I put all my stats in strength and speed! I feel amazing. Alright, let’s go!”, exclaims Buddy.

  Buddy delves straight into the undergrowth and into the woods. Felix barely keeps up with his enthusiastic guide. Fifteen minutes go by while the two trot through the forest, looking for their quarry. They discover a large clearing between two hills. A search of the area turns up several burrows. Tip-toeing past the holes, Felix leads Buddy back to the meadow they found. They hide in a small channel between two bushes and put their bags down.

  “What’re we gonna do?” asks Buddy.

  “There doesn’t seem to be anybody or anything in the field…” Felix pauses, scratching his chin. He glances at his hand.


  “Whoa! Shit! You’re gonna burn the damn bushes down! What. Are. You. Doing!?”

  Felix extends his hand towards his friend. The fireball flickers and licks the air with every minuscule movement. Buddy stares, reaches out to grab, but pauses. He pulls back then puts his palm next to Felix’s own. Felix tips his hand and the flaming orb shifts.

  Felix draws back and leans on his arms. “There you go,” he says, grinning ear to ear.

  “This is so cool,” mumbles Buddy. He waves his loaded hand left and right. The fireball follows obediently. It whooshes, wanes, and flares.

  “This is the plan! We find the closest hole. You throw that down, make sure it sees you, and run. I’ll be in the middle of the field with, like, two fireballs. Come straight at me and when I say duck, you dive away and face it. Okay?”

  “Yes! I’ll go find one. Let’s do this!”

  “Great. Wait until I get into position. And remember to sneak up to it.”

  Breaking past the bushes, and striding through the tall grass, Felix arrives at the center of the meadow. He squints at the darkness all around, but the sight of his friend eludes him. Enclosing walls of trees and underbrush, blanket the rest of the forest in shadow, concealing whatever secrets may lay past.



  A flaming orb in each hand, Felix stands at the ready. A few minutes later, a resounding boom echoes from beyond the trees to his right. A chorus of chirping birds flutter to the safety of the skies. The forest rustles and snaps. A few seconds after the blast, Buddy bursts through the bushes and dashes. Three thirds of the way to center of the field, Buddy dives to the ground. A Corynd Hare rushes out between the trees, and leaps over the low bushes.


  A high pitched roar shakes the land.

  “It’s coming!” Buddy shrieks as he rolls out of the way.